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Dental Clinic in Mohali

dentist is a medical professional who is specialized in dentistry i.e. the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity the dentist’s supporting team aids in providing oral health services.

Dentists are healthcare professionals who deal in the all-round care of the oral cavity, particularly of the teeth. There are dental clinics in Mohali (SAS Nagar) and Chandigarh, having their standalone practice as well as those attached to hospitals. The arm of medicine that is involved in the investigation, prevention and treatment of a myriad of conditions related to various parts of the oral cavity is termed as dentistry or dental medicine. The word dentistry is derived from the word odontology which is Greek for the study of the teeth, focusing on its structure and formation. It is important to place an equal emphasis on dental care as one does for their overall health.

Dentists at Dental clinics in Mohali (SAS Nagar) and Chandigarh use a variety of dental equipment like, drills, forceps, x-ray machines, digital scanners, mouth mirrors, scalpels and other technology driven devices to conduct tests and treat dental health problems. They remove tooth decay, repair fractured teeth, work on bad mouth odor of the patient, treat lumps and swelling of gums and educate about diet choices that adversely affect oral health.

There are many dental clinics in Mohali, which provide various dental treatment services in the city of Mohali. The dental clinics in Mohali are well equipped with the latest dental treatment equipment and provide the best facilities to the dental patients.

Dental patients from the nearby areas prefer to visit the dental clinics in Mohali due to the deep trust built by the dentists on their dental patients by their effective treatment at the dental clinics in Mohali.

With the increase in the intake of un-hygienic food and further due to the strict routines (leading to the non following of the proper dental care) the problems related to the oral cavity are increasing day by day. Dental clinics in Mohali provide the one stop solution to all the dental related problems and provide the best dental treatment. The dentists at the dental clinics at Mohali are well qualifies and experienced which diagnose the problem and provides the immediate response to the patients by their effective treatment.

Common dental procedures, done at dental clinics in Mohali are as under:


These are the devices used by orthodontists to correct the alignment of teeth and fixes gaps between the teeth. Braces exert steady pressure on the teeth to straighten them and align them with the bite of the person.

Bridges and implants

It is the most common procedure that is followed by dentists at Dental Clinics in Mohali (SAS Nagar) and Chandigarh. Tooth Implant supported by the dental bridge consists of two crowns on the anchoring teeth along with a false tooth in centre. A dental bridge can only be used to fill gap that have a natural teeth on both sides of the missing tooth. Dental implants are metal frames that are surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath your gums and the replacement teeth are mounted on the frame with screws.

Crowns and caps

In the dental clinics in Mohali (SAS Nagar) and Chandigarh the dentists fit various types of crowns and caps over a tooth that has been decayed, broken, damaged, stained or misshaped. Crowns are tailored made according to the shape and size of the tooth and can be made of metal, acrylic, porcelain, or porcelain bonded to metal.

Fillings and repairs

To treat a cavity dentists remove the decayed portion from the tooth and fill the vacuum with various types of fillings like metal filling, silver filling etc.. Fillings are also used to repair cracked or partially broken teeth.

Gum surgery

Periodontitis is a gum infection affecting the gums and jaw bone and causes inflammation and damages the bone and tissue. The dental treatment for this disease may require gum surgery during which the surgeon lifts the gum tissue by making small cuts in the gum to remove bacteria and tartar from the teeth and from under the gums.

Oral cancer screening

A dentist check for the red or white patches inside the mouth during an oral cancer screening exam as oral cancer develops in the cells of mouth, throat or tongue. During the screening, the dentist check for mouth sores, irregular tissue changes in the neck, face, and head and inside the mouth, lumps or other abnormalities inside mouth.

Root canals

Root canal is a procedure which is used to treat the inflamed or infected roots of teeth. During this procedure, the infected teeth are opened, the pulp inside the teeth is cleaned, the root canal is shaped and disinfected after which the opening of the teeth is sealed preventing the future infections.

Teeth whitening

The color of teeth darkens due to several factors such as excessive consumption of certain foods and beverages, smoking, age, drinking, etc. The outer enamel of our teeth starts thinning with time due to which the yellowish dentin shows through. Dentists apply teeth whitening gels and make use of special Ultra Violet lamps for the teeth whitening procedure.

Dental clinics in Mohali have efficient facilities to treat any of the above mentioned oral cavity problem.