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Liver specialist in Patiala

Liver specialist in Patiala is one of the most important and the largest internal organ of the body. It plays a vital role in proper functioning of our body. It is situated on the upper right hand side of the abdominal cavity below the diaphragm. A human liver generally weighs approximately 1.5 kg and has a width of about 15 cm (6 in).

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Functions of the liver

The liver manages most chemical levels in the blood and discharges a product called bile. It helps to carry away waste product from the liver. All the blood leaving the stomach and digestive organs goes through the liver. The liver processes this blood and separates, balances, and create the nutrients and furthermore break down the drugs into simpler form that is easier to use for the body.

Some of the most common functions of the liver are

  • It helps in production of bile juice which helps to break down fats in small intestine during digestion and carry away waste.
  • It helps in production of protein which is essential for forming blood clots and other functions.
  • It helps to filter and eliminate toxins from the blood.
  • It helps in processing of hemoglobin for use of its iron content.
  • It helps to remove bacteria from the blood.
  • It helps in fighting infections by making immune factor.
  • Amino acids are the building block of the protein so it helps in regulating blood levels of amino acids.
  • It helps to remove bilirubin from the red blood cells (RBC’s) accumulation of which causes eye and skin yellow.

When such an important organ fails to work normally, it is a major concern. In such situation your doctor will recommend you to look for a liver specialist in Patiala for better treatment.

The common signs and symptoms of liver problem

Some of the most common symptoms of liver problems are:

  • Skin and eyes seems to be yellowish in color (jaundice)
  • Body parts tend to bruise easily
  • Abdominal pain and swelling
  • Loss of hunger
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Urine color turns dark
  • Swelling in ankles and legs
  • Vomiting or nausea

Most commonly known liver diseases

Liver specialist in Patiala are known to treat chronic liver problems. Some of those are:

 Liver Cirrhosis

If your doctor tells you about the liver disease called liver cirrhosis it causes a condition when healthy liver tissue is damaged and replaced by the scar tissue. Under such condition liver is unable to work properly. It usually happens over a long period of time and because of alcohol addiction.


Hemochromatosis is a condition when too much iron build up in your body to harmful levels. It is sometime called as iron overloads. It usually caused by fault in the genes that is inherited to a child by the parents.


Hepatitis is a condition in which liver is inflamed. Inflammation means swelling which happens because of injured or infected tissues of the body. It is highly contagious and occurs due to Hepatitis A, B, C viruses. Many possible causes are there like excessive drinking of alcohol, obesity or drug infection.

Liver cancer

Liver cancer occur when cells in a liver starts to grow uncontrollably. Mainly the cells of which the liver is made up of are called hepatocytes. It is also known as Primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) which tends to occur in livers damaged by birth defects, alcohol abuse, or chronic infection with diseases such as hepatitis B and C More than half of all people diagnosed with primary liver cancer have cirrhosis.

Liver failure Liver failure occurs when liver does not perform its functions properly. It can be due to multiple reasons ranging from excessive alcohol intake to genetic conditions to infection.


Gallstones are small pieces of solid hardened deposit of bile which is there in gall bladder. Gallbladder is an organ situated below the liver which stores bile. If a gallstone gets stuck in the bile duct, it can lead to hepatitis and bile duct infection.


Ascites happens when pressure builds up in the veins of your liver and it doesn’t function as it ought to. These two issues for the most part are brought about by another conditions namely cirrhosis, heart or kidney disappointment, malignant growth, or a disease.

Some of the common liver treatments performed by liver specialist in Patiala

Some of these are:

Liver cancer treatment


Hepatitis A treatment

Hepatitis B treatment

Hepatitis C treatment

ERCP (Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)

Liver transplant

Can all liver specialists in Patiala treat children?

There are pediatric hepatologists who has specialization in treating children with the problems of digestive system or liver-related problems.

What cost does liver specialist in Patiala charge?

The cost varies from one doctor to another depending upon the type of liver problem, liver test, diagnosis, experience of the liver specialist in Patiala etc.