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When to see a doctor while suffering from Piles?

Piles or hemorrhoids  are one of the common problems. There are times when we do not take it seriously but this condition is not so simple and it requires attention and timely treatment. 

Piles Specialist

Piles basically swollen, inflamed veins in the rectum and anus. Though this condition may sound weird and we do not bring up this problem, because it becomes a laughing stock, it is important to deal with it.

If you are having this type of problem then do not ignore it, even if it is just the pain, you need to go to the piles specialist and get it checked. If you prolong it then it may change into serious concerns in just a few days. 

What exactly are the piles?

Piles is a problem in or around anus area. It can be very painful, even cause discomfort, and also if aggravated can really make regular life difficult.

Mild types of piles get treated on their own, then you need not visit a doctor but when the pain becomes unbearable then it is important to see a doctor. There is a chance that mild or smaller size piles can be treated with some home remedies.

But if the  symptoms are recurring or severe, or in any chance there is blood coming from the anus while you sit on the toilet seat, then it is high time and you need to consider consulting a piles specialist for treatment.

If the piles are not treated timely then it is very difficult to sit and carry out the routine regularly. We may feel it is not that serious, but it is one of the major health issues. 

Do not be ashamed of Piles, Go, talk to a doctor

There are many people who are ashamed of talking about piles. The truth is, if you are not talking or consulting about it, then you are increasing your own problem and delaying the treatment. Treating the condition timely  can bring you relief from the pain.

Do not feel bad about it, Piles is a common disease, and it can hit anyone. Any patient suffering from piles should understand that it is okay to face this  condition and it is like any other disease and needs to be treated well. You should not keep it from your doctor.

A Very serious repercussions of piles occur when the treatment is delayed. So, if you are facing any such issue, it is important to talk to a doctor. Don’t feel shy, rather never feel shy about a medical condition. It is essential to get checked no matter what. Rather, delaying the treatment creates big issues.

Always consult a Piles Specialist-

If you feel any kind of problem while passing stool or blood clots and you feel uncomfortable then it can be piles.

Generally, mild conditions or initial stages can be diagnosed and managed by a general physician. But, in case the symptoms persist, then you may need to consult with a proctologist, a colorectal surgeon, or a gastroenterologist. 

If the basic remedies fail to share relief from the symptoms, the specialised doctors provide advanced hemorrhoid treatment such as:

Laser surgery –

Laser surgery for piles is a very advanced stage treatment for piles treatment. Since the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, more and more people have started opting for it in recent times.

A laser is focused on the affected area that help to  seal the blood vessels and the nerves. The treatment is comfortable and does not work with any pressure and pain in the patient.

Hemorrhoid stapling-

This is a process especially for the internal hemorrhoids. Here the surgeons remove the piles tissue using a stapling tool internally. 

These advanced issues are beneficial and bring relief instantly. So, do not hesitate, rather look for the appropriate treatment.

Symptoms that pressure you to see a doctor for piles

Here are some common symptoms that means you have severe piles issue and you should visit a doctor-

● If you feel pain and discomfort in the anal area persisting too long.

● If you notice bright red blood in the toilet paper.

● If medications fail to provide any relief to the symptoms.

● If there is change in stool it appears tar-like in color.

● If you feel drowsy every time while passing a bowel movement.

 Normal remedies for mild piles

There are few regular remedies that helps to solve the problems of piles at home or with the change in lifestyle-

●  Sitz bath for 10-15 minutes every day.

● Keep your anal area clean

● You should not wipe your anal area with any form of chemical-based products

● You can opt to use stool softeners.