  • Income Tax Office Road, Bank Colony, Patiala-147001


A Stomach doctor is also called a gastroenterologist. They treated and diagnose all the problems of the stomach like the liver or digestive system. If our immune system or digestive system is getting worse, then it will make problems for us. BEST STOMACH DOCTOR IN PATIALA treats and checks the upper part and lower part of the abdomen.

    It checks your food pipe and upper part of your stomach and intestine. This procedure uses a thin camera inserted through your mouth to stomach to diagnose and treat the problem of your stomach. It investigates the symptoms and factors of your stomach related problem.
    This procedure checks and diagnoses your lower intestine. The doctor gently checks your stomach with a thin, little camera through your rectum to your colon to check the disease. If you are above 50 then you should go for a regular checkup with the best stomach doctor in patiala.
    It is a procedure that is handled by the doctor. You will have to swallow the pill or capsule to check your intestine and stomach problem. It takes images of your digestive system. You have to drink the medicine before your breakfast. You won’t feel any pain during you swallow the capsule.
  4. Ultrasound of endoscopic:-
    It uses waves to take the image of your internal intestine. They insert the flexible camera to check the problem of internal organs and intestine in the stomach. It depends on your condition and it checks the problem of your stomach.
  5. Stomach pain
  6. Stomach cramping
  7. Constipation
  8. Blood in stool
  9. Diarrhea
  10. Gas problem
  11. Urgent care for stomach
  12. Cough
  13. Cold
  14. Fever
  15. Pain
  16. Burning
  17. Liver problem
    SERIOUS SYMPTOMS: – that can be cured by the doctor
  18. Bleeding
  19. High heart rate
  20. Chest pain
  21. Fever
  22. Vomiting
  23. Breathing problem
  24. Heavy pain in the abdomen
    There are many foods to cure and relieve the pain of the stomach and digestive system. Healthy food contains proteins, fiber, minerals and other that can help you to cure the stomach. Eating this food can help you to recover.
  25. GINGER:-
    It can relieve nausea and vomiting in you. Ginger can cure many problems and diseases in our bodies. Women suffering from vomiting and morning sickness, it can be cured by cooked and raw ginger. It can helpful for you; it treats and diagnoses many stomach problems. It feels like a doctor. It’s the best medicine in our life.
    For few people, it can be cured by peppermint. It can reduce symptoms from your body. It reduces stomach pain, gas problems and diarrhea in adults. Peppermint is safe for all people.
  27. FLAXSEED:-
    Flaxseeds are very small seeds that can help to cure and reduce the problem of constipation and stomach pain.
  28. PAPAYA:-
    Papaya is the best food to cure the problem of stomach. It is a sweet food that is used to digest with a natural remedy. Papaya contains high protein food.
    Green banana is healthy for our stomach. It helps to relieve diarrhea. Green bananas contain high fiber that helps to maintain our diet and health. An upset stomach can be cured by a green banana.
  30. RICH FOODS:-
    An Upset stomach can be cured by rich foods like yogurt and butter or milk.
  31. YOGURT:-
    It helps to cure the abdomen problem. It can relieve constipation and diarrhea. With yogurt we can cure the stomach problem, because it is very cold and cold things are good for the stomach.
    Buttermilk can help with diarrhea and constipation also. It treated stomach-related problems.
    Recovery of the stomach can be important for all the patients in everyone’s life. For recovery, we have to eat foods that contain fiber, protein and minerals. Intensive care will be provided by the doctors that can help you to cure. Don’t vomiting, and stay hydrated, think positive, read books, keep your stress level low. Take rest after the procedure and during recovery. The symptoms will be cure time by time. Most of the people recovered after treatment and without treatment.
  33. Potato
  34. Banana
  35. Rice
  36. Butter
  37. Milk
    Avoid foods:-
    You have to avoid different kinds of foods.
  38. Spicy food
  39. Alcohol
  40. Dairy products
  41. Drugs
  42. Sugary foods
    Stomach problems will affect your personal life. It affects your happiness. Medications and a healthy diet improve your quality of life. Treatment can change your lifestyle and a diet plan or exercise can help you more. BEST STOMACH DOCTOR IN PATIALA treats you the best in every phase.