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How to deal with Piles during pregnancy ?

Piles Specialist in Amar Hospital is the best one. This is one the problematic diseases that cause uneasiness and irritation to the patient during excretion function. This cause discomfort, inching and even blood during the process. It can be present in different sizes. It can be internal or external.


Both types are very irritating and cause excretion problems to the patient. The patient gets quite restless due to this problem. Most of the time, patients do not pay much heed to the initial problem and ignore it. This is an incorrect approach. Even if you are experiencing mild discomfort, it is your duty to look into the problems and consult piles specialist. If the problem persists then it can even take a dangerous turn. 

What are the Symptoms?

Generally, there are no particular symptoms and if the disease is mild it may get resolved in just a few days on its own.  At times the patient is not even aware what was the problem and it goes away. 

Some people with hard piles may experience the following symptoms:

  • They may face hard or  painful lumps around the anus area. They may have coagulated blood. Piles with the blood called thrombosed external hemorrhoids. They cause pain and also blood in passing stool. 
  • At times passing a stool, the person may not feel so fresh and that the bowels are still full. They may face abdominal discomfort. 
  • There is a possibility that even bright red blood is visible during passing stool. 
  • Some may feel that the area around the anus is itchy, red, and sore. It is hard to sit properly.
  • Some people experience pain while passing the stool.

These are experienced during mild Piles. But once the problem is prolonged the patient may have to face other severe conditions. Such symptoms are


  • There can be excessive anal bleeding and can also lead to condition called anemia.
  • The patient may experience infection and that creates further medical problems.
  • Another condition the patients may have to face anal fistula, that means a hole is created between the surface of the skin near the anus and the inside of the anus. This is quite serious and must be treated by piles specialist.
  • The patient may also experience a strangulated hemorrhoid. Here, the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is cut off, causing complications including infection or a blood clot. In case of this condition the patient may take action immediately. 

Conditions are due piles-

These conditions are due to internal piles. The External piles are the small lumps on the edge of the anus. They are prickly, itchy and hard. They can be very painful with blood. It may also block the flow of blood. If the condition turns serious into thrombosis external piles, or hemorrhoids that have been clotted it may require immediate medical attention.

What are the Causes behind Piles ?

Piles can be caused by various reasons and lifestyle habits. One of the common reasons is the increased pressure in the lower rectum. It is the blood vessels around the anus and in the rectum stretch under the pressure and swell or bulge, forming piles. It can be due to chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea. It can be due to lifting heavy weights or due to straining while passing stool. Also, during pregnancy one might have to face this issue. The problem of piles may also be inherited from the family and may increase with age. 

How to treat piles ?

If a woman is suffering from piles during pregnancy then here are some tips that will help her to overcome this problem. 

Get a warm water bath-

  • Yes! Soaking yourself in warm water will help a lot. One can fill the tub with warm water and soak the affected place. Use only water and do not use any soap. 

Do not sit for a long period- 

  • Do not sit for a long period-  When you are aware of this condition then try sitting in a comfortable space, where you do not feel much pressure. Also, the patient can sit and then stand. Do not sit for very long periods.  

Apply medicine prescribed by doctor-

  • Apply medicine prescribed by doctor- Consult a pile specialist and you can use ointment suggested by the doctor. Ask them to suggest only those medicines which are safe during pregnancy. 

Not Ignore any medical problem-

These tips are also valid for the other patients. The important thing is not to ignore any medical situation. Be vigilant and keep a close check on your medical problems. If you ignore your conditions then it may increase and cause further problems. So, it is advisable to have regular check-ups by Piles Specialist.