  • Income Tax Office Road, Bank Colony, Patiala-147001



Pile is a common issue; anyone might experience the disease’s symptoms. Haemorrhoids or piles can be a significant issue that must address immediately. Veins in the rectum and anus swollen and inflamed are signs of piles. Even though there are many jokes about the disease and that it seems funny, this is not always the case in reality. Pile pain can be painful, uncomfortable, and interfere with day-to-day activities. If the discomfort becomes unbearable, see a doctor.


Haemorrhoids are vascular structures in the anal canal that help regulate bowel motions. In their normal state, they serve as a cushion, facilitating the passage of faeces through connective tissue and arterio-venous channels. They grow into pathological heaps when they are big or inflamed. Piles are reasonably prevalent conditions that afflict both sexes at any age. These are caused by the veins’ ongoing, intense pressure.

Further factors include constipation, severe straining during bowel movements, and recurrent diarrhoea. They are frequently little, spherical lumps that are discoloured.  Piles doctor called – These lumps may hang from the anal canal for some individuals, who can feel them on their anus. Haemorrhoids are another name for banks. In the anal region, there are swollen tissues and irritated blood vessels. They can be found inside or outside the anus and range in size. Haemorrhoids affect between 50 and 85 per cent of the world’s population, according to medical studies. Haemorrhoids are reportedly present in more than 75% of Indians. You may experience significant health problems affecting your general health if you don’t address piles. Therefore, if you are unsure whether you have down, connect with specialists who practice in several places, such as Patiala, and receive affordable treatment.

The anal canal contains a collection of swollen or inflammatory tissues known as piles of haemorrhoids. They can be internal or external to the anus and come in various sizes. Internal piles are the most prevalent variety and are often found 2 to 4 centimetres above the tip of the anus opening. On the exterior of the anal region, there may be external piles. Although the exact reason for the swollen, bulging veins around your anus is still unknown, roughly two out of every four persons experience the symptoms of haemorrhoids. Constipation, sedentary behaviour, poor eating habits, drinking and smoking, family history, being pregnant or obese, routinely overeating, stress, and a sedentary lifestyle are some frequent variables that raise the risk of developing piles.

To some extent, piles sufferers might reduce their symptoms with the help of several medications. Some of them consist of: Over-the-counter medications are easily accessible over-the-counter in drug stores or online. They come in several forms, such as medicines, ointments, pads, etc., and aid in lowering irritation and swelling in the affected area. It’s recommended not to use them for longer than a week since some adverse effects might start to appear. Corticosteroids: These aid in lowering pain and inflammation.


To treat the patient’s constipation, may be recommended laxatives. This would relieve some pressure and make it easier for them to pass faeces. Pile-related pain, discomfort, and disruption of daily living can all occur. Consult a doctor if the discomfort becomes intolerable. The duration of piles symptoms is unpredictable. However, if the symptoms of piles are severe, persistent, or involve blood leaking from your anus while you sit on the toilet seat, you should think about seeking treatment from a specialized physician. The majority of individuals feel embarrassed to discuss heaps. But keeping silent and delaying the treatment could stand in your way of relieving the discomfort.

The suffering caused by the condition can affect anyone, and piles are a widespread problem. Patients dealing with piles must realize that their illness does not set them apart from others. No patient should be disturbed since no doctor would object to discussing the situation. The consequences of piling could be worse than one can realize. Piles doctor called – Therefore, it is advisable to have your piles examined as soon as possible to save your health and peace of mind.

Doctors have heard and seen everything about a patient. You no longer need to be ashamed of your condition. Although piles cannot be fully cured, their symptoms can at least be somewhat controlled at home. This only works, though, if your heaps are still very young. Here are some methods that could help you manage the disease at home without seeing a doctor: Do not wipe your anal area with any chemical-based items; instead, be gentle and keep it clean.


We can tell piles do not significantly endanger your general health and well-being. Up to grades III or IV, patients can self-treat it; however, medical intervention will be needed if it worsens. However, the surgical methods mentioned are pretty effective and require slight recovery.