Clinical Laboratory at Amar Hospital is fully automated, designed to handle large volumes of samples efficiently and effectively. Team consists of well qualified & experienced pathologists, microbiologist, phlebotomists and Technicians.
The Laboratory conducts tests 24×7 with the help of sophisticated equipment and automated analyzer. Laboratory follows strict Quality Control measures. It participates in both External and Internal Quality Programmes. Microbiologist is actively involved in Infection Control Activities, Epidemiology and surveillance of Hospital associated infection. All the urgent and critical results are informed to doctor telephonically immediately.
Designed to include all the sub-specialities of laboratory medicine: Histo- and Cyto-Pathology Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Microbiology, Hematology & Immunohematology, the department of laboratory services provides comprehensive support, expertise, and consultation services that facilitate clinical care in the hospital. While the aforementioned specialities work as independent units, they are integrated under one roof, to ensure uniform and efficient analysis and reporting of test results. Every speciality has highly qualified and reputed faculty and are equipped with state-of-the-art automated systems covering all aspects of laboratory – the pre-analytical, analytical and post analytical phases.
Besides providing accurate and reproducible results in the shortest possible turnaround time, the objectives of the department include: continuous update of equipment and techniques to meet the changing needs and expectations of the health care workers and the society.
Specialized Services
The department of Microbiology has the latest and standardized equipment for rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases. The department also looks after the hospital infection control programme. Advanced diagnosis of infectious disorders is possible with well-equipped nucleic acid detection techniques.
The Department of Biochemistry performs routine and specialized biochemical tests such as tumor markers, therapeutic drug monitoring and hormone assays. The turnaround time is as per the international standards.
The Cytopathology section provides services for performing fine needle aspiration cytology testing under local anesthesia for superficial lesions, while hemato-pathology section performs bone marrow aspiration and biopsy procedures. In addition, outside sample processing is also done within the laboratory.
The department of Histopathology and Cytopathology gives opinion on specimens from various departments in the hospital. Immunohistochemistry offers updated diagnostic and prognostic applications in the field of oncology. Flow cytometric evaluation of lymphomas is readily available. We have an advance immunohistochemical laboratory performing more than 80 diagnostic as well as prognostic markers with proper quality control program in place which assures the reliable and reproducible results in minimal turnaround time.
The Cytopathology service is well equipped. Diagnostic facility is provided for gynecologic and Non -gynaecologic sample in shortest possible turnaround time. Gynaecologic services include pap smear reporting (Bethesda 2001) & outsourced facilities for HPV testing and liquid based thin prep PAP smear. Non-gynaecologic samples include: cytology of fluids, bronchial specimen, CBD brushing, USG guided and CT guided FNA’s. We also do FNA from various superficial sites in lab and bedside.
The department of Haematology provides state-of-the-art investigative facility for comprehensive diagnosis of hematological disorders. The department comprises a core laboratory for routine tests and specialized facilities for study of haemostatic, haemolytic and oncologic disorders.